
Energy follows water

Vertically integrated utility with innovative solutions around water and energy

We focus on addressing the global challenges of the green transition by applying technologically innovative solutions with our more than 6,000 employees in more than 30 countries.

We are Global leaders in the conservation and efficient management of water resources, specializing in desalination, reuse and advanced water treatment technologies. Additionally, we excel in the generation and transmission of green energy, with a particular focus on solar technology in Latin America, Spain, South and North Africa. Our experience, plus a firm commitment to innovation and sustainability, allows us to offer cutting-edge solutions. We also provide comprehensive engineering, operations and maintenance services for third parties in all the countries in which we operate. 

Full water cycle

Developer, owner & operator of water projects



Developer, owner & operator of energy projects

EPC – O&M – 

Technology & Innovation

Full water cycle

Developer, owner & operator of water projects



Developer, owner & operator of water projects

EPC – O&M – Technology & Innovation

Two main sources of
synergies when
combining water and

One water concession unlocks a new energy project.

Energy projects bring sustainability to water projects.

Water and energy highly
complementary sectors

Presence across entire value
chain of water and energy

Our manifesto

The power

of impossible

Impossible is the beginning of everything.

Because when you don’t know something is impossible, who will stop you from trying?

Impossible is much more than a word; it is the energy of pioneers, the water for those thirsty for innovation.

But for us, impossible is even more.

Impossible is creating possibilities in a future where others only see barriers.

Impossible is having the experience, the people, and the technology in the two things that most concern the world: water and energy.

Impossible is dreaming and doing at the same time.

In a world where the impossible makes the difference…

Where every challenge turns into an opportunity…

We believe in the power of the impossible.

In fostering the necessary changes so that prosperity and sustainability go hand in hand.

In going beyond in every project by building, managing, and supporting.

We commit to exploring the unexplored and pushing the boundaries of the possible.

Because change without  commitment is not sustainable.

Because the future is ours to create.