The scope of this channel covers reports related to any illicit or illegal activities, including issues related to accounting, auditing, or violations of the Cox Code of Conduct, including its subsidiaries and affiliates.
You can report the issue anonymously to the following address:
Auditoría Interna /
C/ Energía Solar nº 1
Palmas Altas
You can also report your issue verbally by calling 954937111 Internal Audit/Compliance, where it may be recorded for evidentiary purposes, or through this website. It is recommended that you provide your contact details to facilitate any follow-up, clarification, or assistance during the potential investigation, but you may also choose to report anonymously. Cox ensures that the IT tools used in managing the report will protect the confidentiality and anonymity of the reporter at all times.
All information provided is voluntary; we recommend that you be as specific as possible regarding names and details of business groups, companies, departments, divisions, individuals, documents, processes, etc. Also, try to recall locations, dates, times, amounts, involved individuals, and events.