
Legal disclaimer

Access to COX ABG GROUP SA website and its content is free and voluntary. Users are subject to the following conditions regarding the services and content of the page.

1.- COX ABG GROUP SA creates this website with information from internal and external sources, so the completeness and accuracy of the information are not guaranteed.

2.- COX ABG GROUP SA ensures the confidentiality of the data provided by users via email to the contact address established on the website and guarantees that under no circumstances will they be transferred to third parties. In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights, and the European Data Protection Regulation (2016/679), COX ABG GROUP SA informs you that you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, portability, and limitation by sending a written request identified with the reference “Data Protection,” specifying your request and attaching a copy of your National Identity Document, addressed to The affected party may also exercise their rights by sending an email with a scanned copy of their ID to the following address:

COX ABG GROUP SA is the company responsible for processing your personal data, with its registered office at Campus Palmas Altas, Calle Energía Solar 1, 41014 Seville, Spain.

3.- COX ABG GROUP SA is not responsible for the misuse of the contents of its website, and the sole responsibility lies with the person who accesses or uses them. COX ABG GROUP SA assumes no responsibility for the information contained on third-party websites that may be accessed via links or search engines.

4.- The presence of links on COX ABG GROUP SA website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a suggestion, invitation, or recommendation about them. COX ABG GROUP SA disclaims all responsibility arising from the exchange of information between users through its web pages. The responsibility for statements made on such pages lies with those who make them.

5.- COX ABG GROUP SA will not be liable for any potential damages that may result from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone malfunctions, or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system; delays or blockages in the use of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloads in telephone lines, the Internet system, or other electronic systems; or for damages that may be caused by third parties through unlawful intrusions beyond the company’s control. Additionally, COX ABG GROUP SA is exempt from liability for any damage or harm that the user may suffer as a result of errors, defects, or omissions in the information provided by COX ABG GROUP SA, as long as it comes from external sources.

6.- COX ABG GROUP SA may unilaterally modify, without prior notice and whenever deemed appropriate, the structure and design of its website, as well as modify or eliminate the services, content, and conditions of access and use.

7.- The intellectual property rights of the website content, its graphic design, and its source codes are owned by COX ABG GROUP SA; therefore, their reproduction, distribution, public communication, and transformation are prohibited. Likewise, all trade names, trademarks, or signs of any kind contained on COX ABG GROUP SA website are protected by law.

8.- Regarding references to third-party products and services, COX ABG GROUP SA recognizes the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights in favor of their holders; their mere mention or appearance on the website does not imply the existence of rights or any responsibility of COX ABG GROUP SA over them.